Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone has emerged from eleven years (1991–2002) of a brutal civil war which severely devastated the country’s educational system: about 1,270 schools were destroyed; qualified teachers fled and 67% of all school-age children were forced out of school. Because of this, compounded with years of under-funding of the educational sector, literacy rates fell. Current estimates suggest that only about 52% of youths are literate.
Efforts for post-war reconstruction in Sierra Leone recognize the critical role of education in helping citizens develop democratic and transparent government. But in most areas of the country, books are rare and teachers don't have access to the training they need.
We build schools
We believe that the children in underserved communities in Sierra Leone not only have unique God-given gifts to offer, but have an unparalleled drive to go to school. If we equip them with a quality education and a network of support, they will achieve things for their community and country that we never could.
But that takes a group of people committed to their success. Want to join?
100% model
100% of students pass their literacy exams
100% of students graduate
100% of your donation goes to Sierra Leone

What we believe
Education is important, but so is a network. You are probably where you are in life because of the people -- parents, teachers, friends -- who supported you. We are building a network of support for the students at Kabala Christian School; those kids will then support future students, together sustaining peace and alleviating the causes of poverty.
Building peace requires patience. It requires quality schools and deep local relationships. Impactful philanthropy demands bold and relentless dedication. It's not for everyone.
You should be able see the impact of your investment and know that 100% is used toward the mission. With technology and transparency, we will make sure you do.

Kabala School
In a small northern community called Kabala, children are becoming leaders who will drive peace-making, community healing, and community service. Imagine a school where the children who never previously had the chance to step inside a classroom now outperform their peers across the region.
At the Kabala Christian School Campus, 450 children are getting the education of their lifetime, including access to:
12-classroom school campus
50-computer center
1 fully-equipped science lab
1,500-book library
You can sponsor a student or a class with a one-time or monthly donation. Either way, 100% of your gift will go to the children.
Or give by check:
Schools For Sierra Leone
2121 Celebration Drive NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525