With Thanksgiving
All of us at Schools for Sierra Leone are so thankful for you, especially in this season of Thanksgiving. God is opening doors in Sierra Leone and your prayers and gifts are helping to make it all possible. Here are some things we are thankful for...
Newly-expanded Junior Secondary School
You have been watching the progress of the Junior Secondary School expansion and now we’re happy to announce that 80 students have been enrolled because of our increased capacity!
Construction Progress
The five-classroom building is making great progress. Of course we have faced a few challenges, but the contractor is confident the building will be open in December. Until then, the administration will continue to keep the students distanced and safe from the construction hazards on campus.
High-quality teachers
We believe that one of the major reasons our school stands apart from others is our high-quality teachers, so we continue to recruit the best, most versatile faculty possible. We have recently added teachers in financial accounting and language arts, and are now searching for a librarian.
Top in the Nation!
As you know, our students recently took the WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination), which gives successful students credit to qualify for university. Despite all of the challenges, disruptions and delays caused by COVID-19, our students passed the exam with flying colors. Only 4.5% students across the nation passed this exam, yet all (64) of our students passed!
Thanks to your relentless support and confidence in the students, Kabala Christian Secondary School is now ranked the second best school in the nation!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. [Galatians 6:9]
Grace and peace,
Alusine Bundu
Principal of Kabala Christian Secondary School
John Loeks
Schools for Sierra Leone